O Nome do Blog

O nome deste blogue, mudou. Era “Vision for the Nations.” Agora é ” The Spirit and the Bride say Come!”. A razão desta mudança baseia-se no conceito que o Senhor mudou a estação espiritual. Aqui este blogue deve reflectir aquela estação em que o Espírito mostra e revela o modo que Ele trabalhe. A mudança baseia-se no facto que nós estamos a ser trazidos num espírito de revelação, em que descobrimos de novo a Intimidade com Ele, sendo nós a Noiva Dele. Esta realidade deve mudar como vermos a nossa existência espiritual, o nosso motivo de viver. Vivemos para Ele…respiramos … Continue reading O Nome do Blog

Blog new name

The Blog was called Vision for the Nations…we must identify the times, like the tribe of Isaachar. The Lord commanded me to change the name of the Blog. It is now called “The Spirit and the Bride say COME!” This marks a change in season, a change in standing, a change in status. 1. Season: The season has changed in the spirit realm. This means our SYNCHRONISATION with the Spirit, the ALIGNMENT with the Spirit is now more intense. This season is END TIME PREPARATION FOR INTIMACY WITH THE SPIRIT TO DESIRE THE BRIDEGROOM. 2. Standing: This means this blog … Continue reading Blog new name

The revival preparation

The Lord is preparing us for a major move of God. A major input from Jesus Himself who supervises every move of the Holy Spirit on the earth. There is a cry coming into our hearts. It is the cry of the Spirit for Christ. It is the cry for Jesus to come and bring refreshing. That cry is of the Spirit too. Because often He is limitted by our traditions, our relgiosity, our narrow thinking. Now the Spirit draws us to bring forth the cry in our hearts. We are preparing a major move…stand with us at this time. … Continue reading The revival preparation

O Espírito e a Noiva dizem Vem!!

O Espírito clama no nosso coração hoje! A hora chegou para aprontar a Sua Noiva…entre as nações. Quando o Espírito clama dentro de nós, e clamamos como Ele clama, de certeza o Senhor virá rapidamente e repentinamente no Seu Templo, que é o nosso coração. Somos o Templo do Senhor. Somos a Noiva. Uma onda virá do Espírito nestes dias…espera Nele…porque virá te visitar. Vem te encher com o Amor para o Noivo. Aí vem o Noivo…adore, ore, adore, intercede, porque aí Ele vem. Continue reading O Espírito e a Noiva dizem Vem!!

Prophecy to Britain

    The Lord says to Britain, that you are the land of Lions. Indeed the Lion of the Tribe of Judah shall roar again. He shall roar to bring back the majesty and authority. There shall only be one authority given. Among the nations shall the authority of revival in her midst. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah shall triumph over the enemy. For in her streets where the has been defeat shall faces and hearts be lifted up. The Lion’s roar shall shake the very foundations, and if they are shaken what shall men do? For the … Continue reading Prophecy to Britain

The Lessons of the Hebrides Revival: A wake up call for us

Many of us think that the Hebrides Revival was a “Pentecostal” revival. It was not. It was however a demonstration of the visitation of God’s Glory. It is a testimony of the prevailing prayers of simple folk who had no religious training. Its a testimony of people believing in a God who keeps His Promises, and they would NOT take NO for an answer. I believe accross the nations there is a sense of desire arising, an expectation, every day there are reports of local and regional awakenings. How about Britain? Where does Britain stand? What about Europe? Known as … Continue reading The Lessons of the Hebrides Revival: A wake up call for us

The Rainbow and the Harbour

The other day my friend Mike telephoned me to go down the harbour to receive the Lord’s message to me. I obeyed, and it started to rain. Just wondered what the Lord was going to say…all of a sudden a rainbow appeared to announce my covenant of peace…I was never to be more isolated in my “ark” of God, where others will doubt my building in God…my time here in the UK has been long and quite a journey, with much pain and much loneliness too. Especially when He commanded me to stay in a Guest House, and I was … Continue reading The Rainbow and the Harbour

Houses of Prayer

A Key to Revival The emphasis sometimes is going to meetings…the Lord says it is important but not everything. The Lord wants Houses of Prayer FOR ALL NATIONS. The Lord wants people to become available to let their houses be used as houses of prayer. These were used in the Hebrides Revival and to such glory of God, as barns. Consider this vision. This is not going to be organized by man, it has to be by call of God. In the Hebrides Revival two women in their little cottage got vision, got the visitation of God, and knew how … Continue reading Houses of Prayer

When divine substance becomes earthly evidence

I am having to believe God and my faith level is rising. The Lord has given me a Hebrews 11:1 experience. He has given me divine substance. It is heavenly. Normally it is impossible but the Lord has put this so much in my heart that I can almost feel it. When it is like that you can be certain that this invisible substance shall become manifest in earthly evidence that what was invisible has become visible in our daily life. This is true faith. What we need to do is first get the substance of the thing we’re believing … Continue reading When divine substance becomes earthly evidence