Letter to America

With all what is going on, we are in the midst of election fever again, as we were in 2020, and it casts my mind back to what I believe was a dialogue between me and the Lord. I remember where I was at the time, and the thought patterns at the time were centered around the question: “What would a Biden presidency look like?” I remember me preferring a Biden presidency because what was disturbing me was the joining of the Church declaring “prophetically” that Donald J Trump would get a second term. I knew a surprise Biden presidency would show up the false voices. Some still insist on giving “daily Words” from what they believe is from God, but many times they are proved to be wrong.

What did we get? We got 4 years of complete demolition on almost every sphere on US society. And what is happening are the very same things that I spoke very strongly about in 2020, but unfortunately what I verify across the pond is that the same “Church” errors are being committed again.

Society in the West is in serious decline. Several ideologies are the foundation of this decline. Multiple groupings are vying for influence in governments, and we saw what the pandemic did for Western societies. The reason Western nations are in decline is the abandonment of the Christian faith and its virtues. What is embraced are social experiments devoid of virtues and embracing serious vices. What has to fill the vacuum left by centuries of Christian devotion is everything that the Bible has prohibited and rebellion of those absolutes is rife today. If you want a glimpse of eternal hell, you only need to see the decline of great cities. Crime and murder like we have never seen, shops closed down, whole malls empty and abandoned after decades of commerce.

The mistake we make is we believe that the political process is the answer, and now since the pandemic we have seen the political class emptying of virtues, now pushing agendas to kill and push toward war to forcefully bring in their agenda of a false utopia.

The issue is that a President, Prime Minister or party is not the answer to society’s ills. And if we believe that these political processes will bring the answer we will be at best deceived and at worst deluded regarding what the Bible tells us, concerning the march toward political systems being likened to a beast, a Church allied to a political process being turned to be a false prophet, and leaders deferring to the Antichrist. That is what process we are in the midst of now.

For the Church, not alluding to the Elect, or Remnant, but those who profess to be Church, to stop this transition to the false prophet scenario is first recognise that the restoration of our nations does not pass through an electoral process, rather the Elect really getting to grips with a form of praying largely forgotten.

In Revelation 22 there is a phrase about the holy being holy still, the unclean be unclean still, represents this process where we will reflect the god we serve. And as mammon has entered many ministers and ministries, it is not long to tell whether they will accept to take the Mark. It is obvious that they will because they have been groomed to be motivated by the acquisition of wealth.

Make America Great Again is not won by your vote on your feet, rather your vow on your knees in a way that has not been seen for decades. The ruling classes are already possessed by the demons who have inhabited their vices. So whatever they say is mere hearsay and deception.

I was thinking about the reaction evoked by the name Donald J Trump. Some become completely altered in state of mind. What comes over some is a hatred seen in the most naturally meek and gentle. I was seeing some of Jesus in this scenario. In His time His name evoked in many circles, and some following Him in great crowds, yet the hatred that was in some is evident. It seems there are those fault lines in so many issues today. When I spoke in 2020 concerning vaccines, and how I would not take, I got responses so full of hate, it surprised, it convinced me I was right, and today verified are the life changing scenarios after taking mandated gene therapy.

If Jesus were to write a letter to His People today he would write:

Dear Church, you are taken up with earthly and political activity instead of stillness at my feet. Your dream has become a nightmare, because you did not make me the centre of your dream. You exchanged heavenly wisdom for earthly foolishness. You exchanged the covenant of holiness for the table of lust. You are convinced that being right makes you righteous, but you will find the enemy cares not for being right, but being in control. Return to simplicity, complicate not the Gospel. Return unto Me.

I believe that if we all cut and renounce the political spirit, and spend time in His Word we will see unfold from our prayers, declarations that have social impacts way beyond the human intentions that have shaped the last few years. If we dare taste of the Fear of the Lord we will not speak for Him without knowing we have heard Him. We will repent of presumption, and trust in conferred authority in having a monopoly of hearing Him. We need to hear Him as King and Judge of all the Earth.

The young people are fed up of looking to the towers and spires of Churches covered in the mist of hypocrisy, empty and hypocritical platitudes. They desire to see Jesus.

Church of America, turn now, and see He is calling you back to prayer, not ordinary prayer, but the kind of prayer that lifts the cities from the filth of abandonment and sin, to the holiness of true united loving society. If we desire to see this, we will first pursue this rather than defer the whole task to one man and one party.


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