The Road to Emmaus- a spiritual journey Part 15; going back to the point of your shattered life with new revelation

And they rose that same hour and returned to Jerusalem. And they found the eleven and those who were with them gathered together, 34 saying, “The Lord has risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!” 

 The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Lk 24:33–34.

If we remember in the beginning of this spiritual journey, Jerusalem represents the shattering of dreams and purposes. Now they are returning with something so great. They had seen and comprehended the Lord! There is no higher purpose than this! They left Jerusalem confused, despondent, lost, now the Lord Himself came alongside to lift their hearts and spirits to understand that something higher, beyond them, in the eternal realms was being birthed. The first stopping place, in the steps to this change is the Scriptures, and we saw that they are the starting point not an end in themselves. If we make Scripture some kind of end in themselves we become like the Pharisees, knowing the letter but not knowing the Spirit of the same.

The Scriptures must be opened by the Holy Spirit for them to initiate this spiritual journey. And what they did specifically in Luke 24 was to situate them with Moses, the prophets and the Psalms. And in our journey also these must form the foundation to what comes after in terms of Gospels, Acts, Letters and Revelation.

Now we have the foundation of the Old Covenant completed in the New. These records are the foundation of our being placed in our consciousness where we are in these eternal plans. They lift us out of the circumstantial and place us in the supernatural. We are on the way to the covenant table where we step into the framework of God’s plans, on the merit of the finished work of Calvary.

So the purpose in going back after we have seen the Lord, is to allow God to bring us back into the place of shattered hope and purpose to inject that revelation we experienced in Emmaus, because it is not there we will be sent out from. It is in the last chapters of this series we will see 2 more building blocks put in place before this is complete. What we must do is return to the places of extreme pain, our Jerusalem, because it is there where Jesus will transform and redeem our pain, to become our power.

We must go through this because it is part, an essential part of our spiritual formation. Without it, we will minister from mixed seed, instead of spirit. We must go through this spiritual renewal. It is returning to the place of brokeness that our wholeness shall break forth.

All we know and can proclaim is: We have seen the Lord!

It is enough because right there Jesus Himself will appear and confirm our process. I have in the last few months have experienced this “coming back to Jerusalem” in extraordinary circumstances, and have experienced His confirming Presence. So when you have seen Him allow Him to lead you back to the place you came out from, that lost purpose and lost dream, because in returning you shall be prepared for something mighty that you have not considered.


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